The Writing Jacuzzi.png

want to jump in, or dip your toes for more info?
(find us on Instagram @thewritingjacuzzi to read pieces that originated in the workshop!)

the writing jacuzzi: what is it?

One of my favorite professors used to say, "Cultivate your own garden." At work, as in life, it can be easy for us to focus outside ourselves to meet the needs of others, sometimes at the expense of our own internal ecosystems.

What if we shifted the focus inward, slowed down to the natural tempo of the body, and gave ourselves permission to express the dynamic ideas bubbling just below the surface before the inner critic had time to pipe up?

In this spontaneous writing workshop, you'll be provided with a creative prompt, a time limit, and total freedom to put pen to paper or fingers to keys. This is a container designed for you to fill with any medium that flows out in the moment. No planning, no wrong answers, no self-editing. Just a celebration of your authentic voice, and you as a vessel for whatever shape it might take today… in a totally safe, non-judgmental space.

After a somatic, grounding intro and focused time of spontaneous flow, participants are invited to read their creations out loud, to be witnessed and received with gentle presence and feedback.

Holding this circle has generated supportive community both online and off, and has led to the development of award-winning short stories, first-time novels, poetry at art galleries, and most importantly, massive healing around the shame of truthful self-expression.

The better we can listen to and bring forth our own internal experiences, the better we can connect and converse with the other people in our world. What wants to speak through you? Let your curiosity override your fear.


“Lyssa is creative and kind and inspiring. I have participated in her writing prompt group sessions nearly every week for the past several months, because of the warm, welcoming environment, the thoughtfully-selected poems Lyssa provides as jumping-off points, the community of artists and humans there each time, and the opportunity to be inspired to create something, which feels as close to real life alchemy as it gets, bringing something new into existence that has never been before. Fun and valuable. Highest recommendation.”
- Myq Kaplan

I am a professional writer and sometimes writing is a real drag. I feel frustrated from rejection, I feel disheartened when I can't figure out the plot of my novel. So I go to Lyssa's Writing Jacuzzi. She picks beautiful poems, perfectly chosen for each person in the group. She creates a warm womb of an environment, where everyone feels encouraged to share. I leave the meeting feeling  ready to jump back into my writing and face obstacles in my life, buoyed by the support I received from just an hour and half with Lyssa and the other participants. Lyssa is not only a masterful teacher, she is also a generous person, who dispenses wisdom about writing and life that I greatly need!
- Jennifer Dickinson

“Lyssa is a spark of goodness and shares freely her magic. The energy she gives to others is evident and her encouragement can be felt, through screens and words. I have loved being part of Lyssa's writing workshops and expanding creative imagination in a space full of inspiration and encouragement. I'd recommend Lyssa's workshop to anyone seeking a rekindling of inspiration, recharge of creativity or brand new experience with the goal of expanding their minds.”
- Rachel Sheerin

“I was initially unsure about joining a writing prompt group--life is so crazy; who has the time?! But now that I've started, I'll never stop. Our group started calling our sessions "writin' church," because every one is a near-spiritual--or just plain spiritual--experience. Lyssa chooses beautiful writing prompts, which inspire equally beautiful writing. Lyssa builds a space of intimacy, trust and complete freedom. I feel so supported by my group members and I'm growing creatively. Needless to say, I'm a believer.”
- Erin Klabunde

”Lyssa has a gift for bringing out the creative juices in anyone. Through these writing workshops, and carefully curated poetry prompts, I have begun to craft a novel and written many personal essays that mean a lot to me. The freedom to just be in these sessions is invaluable, and the encouragement of both Lyssa and the other participants makes me want to keep on writing. What a gift.”
- Veronica Gruba

”Lyssa facilitates a nurturing environment, offers sage wisdom, community, and challenges writers to find an authentic voice. Her class will be the highlight of your week.”
- Nicola Hughes

”This poetry meet-up is a top highlight of my week. Lyssa curates a personal prompt that is always an eerily perfect match for me, as if she is plucking the perfect soulmate of a poem out of the ether and onto my screen. She is thoughtful, intelligent, funny and kind, a great listener, and very authentic in her engagement with each work as it’s read. She creates a safe space for sharing brand new writing as there is no time for overthinking or self-conscious editing. This weekly meeting has boosted my confidence as a writer and shown me that I can generate work anywhere, at any time, in any mood, simply by having a space and prompt to do so. Whether you want to write poetry, fiction, non-fiction, or all of the above, I highly suggest this as a way to get to know your voice, create new work, or continue an ongoing project that’s fallen stagnant. Lyssa does a great job at keeping the meeting moving so we always start and finish right on time with each writer getting an equal amount of attention and love. Can’t recommend Lyssa enough!”
- Libby Doyne

“I’ve known Lyssa my entire life and yet I’ve never seen her in action in her professional/creative realms until a few weeks ago when I joined her “writing church.” I was so impressed with the idea in the first place, that she was creating this for her friends and community. I was in awe of her across the screen, at the ease and her presence as a leader/coach/moderator. She had this articulate beauty in lifting up her friends and leading these sessions in such a natural manner—selecting great poems/prompts and facilitating and sharing poignant feedback and supportive words to all of us. Mind you, it’s all relaxed and informal. It’s been such a fun and refreshing activity to join in this COVID-time, a creative, buoying one where I enjoy a weekly writing moment and chatting with our lovely little group.”
- Rachel Sampson